Niols’s Collection of (Mostly Unpublished) Scottish Country Dances

Sunday, Early in the Morning

32-bar strathspey for three couples in a three-couple longwise set

Get the description of the dance as PDF.

See this dance in the Scottish Country Dance Database.

1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and link.
All chase clockwise halfway round the set.
Repeat bars 1-8 from new positions.
3rd, 2nd and 1st couples set.
3rd, 2nd and 1st couples, giving right hand to partner, turn halfway, release hands and, pulling right shoulder back, dance on a curve to own sides of the set.
3rd, 2nd and 1st couples set.
3rd and 2nd couples dance the «rose progression»:
3rd man and 2nd woman set as 3rd woman and 2nd man change places right hand.
3rd man and 2nd woman turn with both hands halfway as 3rd woman and 2nd man dance into their partner's place.
3rd man and 2nd woman cast into each other's original places as 3rd woman and 2nd man turn with both hands halfway.
3rd man and 2nd woman dance across the set as 3rd woman and 2nd man, pulling right shoulder back, cast out to the sidelines.
Repeat from new positions.
Devised by Marie-Laure Barret on 31 July 2022.
During the Saturday ball at the end of the first week of Summer School in St. Andrews, I was asked if I wanted to write a dance for our tutor Rachel Shankland and for our musician George Meikle. Thus, on the following morning, at 6.30am, I started devising this dance.